Background and aims: Innovative treatment modalities have not yet shown a clinical benefit in patients with\nseptic shock. To reduce severe cytokinaemia, CytoSorb as an add-on to continuous renal replacement therapy\n(CRRT) showed promising results in case reports. However, there are no clinical trials investigating outcomes.\nMethods: In this investigator-initiated retrospective study, patients with septic shock were treated with CRRT +\nCytoSorb (n = 67) or CRRT alone (n = 49). The primary outcome was the 28-day all-cause mortality rate. Patients\nwere weighted by stabilized inverse probability of treatment weights (sIPTW) to overcome differences in baseline\ncharacteristics.\nResults: At the start of therapy, CytoSorb-treated patients had higher lactate levels (p < 0.001), lower mean arterial\npressure (p = 0.007) and higher levels of noradrenaline (p < 0.001) compared to the CRRT group. For CytoSorb, the\nmean predicted mortality rate based on a SOFA of 13.8 (n = 67) was 75% (95%CI 71â??79%), while the actual 28-day\nmortality rate was 48% (mean difference - 27%, 95%CI - 38 to - 15%, p < 0.001). For CRRT, based on a SOFA of 12.8\n(n = 49), the mean predicted versus observed mortality was 68% versus 51% (mean difference - 16.9% [95%CI -\n32.6 to - 1.2%, p = 0.035]). By sIPTW analysis, patients treated with CytoSorb had a significantly lower 28-day\nmortality rate compared to CRRT alone (53% vs. 72%, respectively, p = 0.038). Independent predictors of 28-day\nmortality in the CytoSorb group were the presence of pneumosepsis (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 5.47, p = 0.029),\nhigher levels of lactate at the start of CytoSorb (aOR 1.15, p = 0.031) and older age (aOR per 10 years 1.67, p = 0.034).\nConclusions: CytoSorb was associated with a decreased observed versus expected 28-day all-cause mortality. By\nIPTW analysis, intervention with CytoSorb may be associated with a decreased all-cause mortality at 28 days\ncompared to CRRT alone.